Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Truths for Today - Long Rant Post

Warning: Personal rant post which swings from cynical to emotional to clichéd. Proceed further at your own risk.

Some words of wisdom that have been brought home to me today, which I wish to share with others. Do not that I’m not always completely serious.

1. Life sucks, sometimes! It has nothing to do with how you are as a person – it’s always because of your boss, or your family, or your partner or your friends. And since we cannot change anything about them, on those days life sucks accept it. You can try cheering up by eating ice cream, watching a movie, reading a book or talking to your mom. Alternatively, you can make the most of your misery by listening to sad songs, bitching about everyone and writing long rant posts.

2. This is for women only: Men are pigs, all of them, all the time. A good solution could be to see if you are lesbian, I believe that would help. If you’re not, you just have to accept it and move on. Do NOT try and change them for they cannot and will not change. It’s just the way men are so one can’t do anything about it. But please to keep this advice in mind if you are unfortunately falling in love – the man you’re in love with might be handsome, understanding, caring, sensitive, honest, rich, powerful, loyal – but he is a pig, nonetheless.

3. Never let most of your happiness be dependent on one entity. This entity could be work, family, partner, a hobby, money or friends but when you put yourself in a position where a large part of your happiness depends on just one of these entities, you are likely paving your way for future misery. So spread yourself and your passion among all these. You’ll be surprised to see how much you can give and receive from each of these and yet not become vulnerable.

4. Having said the above point, don’t give up on love. I know loving someone more often than not ends up hurting you, more so in the case of romantic love than platonic love. But even if you’re hurt, don’t lose trust and give up on love. Don’t stop loving your work just because you had to do one crappy project recently. Don’t love your family any less just because your parents…well, you know all those awful things parents sometimes do that makes you wish that you were born to another family in some other planet?

5. Remember to live for yourself sometimes. Tell your boss that you don’t want to work on a certain project if you don’t want to. Tell your friends that you will not go shopping with them today because all you want to do is curl up in bed with a book. Tell your partner to hang out with friends or family tonight because you want to meet your old school friend for dinner tonight. And since most times, our parents live for us rather than themselves, encourage them to take time out for themselves once in a while (well, you could buy an SOTC trip to Europe or something for them).

Finally, a secret tip I discovered – as clichéd as it may sound, when you’re unhappy, try doing something for charity. It can brighten your day, even if the happiness is only short lived.


Rahul P said...

Hey you'ven't replied to my scrap yet;anyways if u wouldn't love to be meddled with,jus say shut up & I still wouldn't mind

Stargazer said...

Well, I don't know if i am on board completely :) but yeah.. i guess that the only way to live life is on ur own terms.. What the hell if it doesn't please everyone! love.. well.. yeah.. one should never let go :).. well.. thats just me i guess.!

Ramya said...

@Mihir: They are! But I warned that that point was for women only.

Rahul: Sorry, wasnt on Orkut for a while now so no replies to your scraps. Actually, nothing big or serious...just a tiny little issue which pissed me off big time that day...so needed an outlet for all the steam building up inside.

Pradeep: Hmm...so we can agree to disagree on some points...:). But you know...love...sometimes it's better to let go, maybe?

The Walrus said...

Pigs huh?

The_Wanderer said...

in reply, to...
1)...anything sucks, if ur feelin lousy n shitty already...i think ur life is wht YOU make of it...not really wht it makes of u...yeah, shit happens...but it alwayz, alwayz, alwayz cud have been worse...way i look at it, yeah, ur grass is greener than mine, but i look across the street n my grass is greener than sum1 else's...
2) i quote none other than einstein here " women marry men in the hope that they will change, men marry women in the hope that they will never change - invariably, both are disappointed."
3) i agree, but with the disclaimer that too much hope on too many thins is also a dangerous proposition...coz then nuthn will make u sufficiently happy...
4) agree...
5) agree whole-heartedly...selfish as it may seems, the day u meet ur maker, ur only gonna have to give account of wht u did with ur life...so, get to work on it! u have ur time here...if ur not gonna make urself happy now [er, i'm not suggesting a torrid affair with ur own hand :P], ur never gonna be happy ever...

thts abt it then, captain...cheers!
have a great day...

Ramya said...

@the walrus: you know, the disclaimer specifically says, this point is for the women only...:p

Ramya said...

@the walrus: you know, the disclaimer specifically says, this point is for the women only...:p

Ramya said...

@the walrus:
1. Totally agree with that...it's just that it's difficult to always, always look at the bright side of things. Sometimes, you just wanna crib, though in your heart of hearts you know it's no big deal and you'll get over it.

2. And that's why he was Einstein, eh?

3. I agree...:)

4. Hey, I am happy!! Very much so. But obviously happiness is sustained because of bouts of pain/anger/sadness/rage/insert other negative feeling here. That's when you realise and value your happiness? No?


Ramya said...

@the walrus:
1. Totally agree with that...it's just that it's difficult to always, always look at the bright side of things. Sometimes, you just wanna crib, though in your heart of hearts you know it's no big deal and you'll get over it.

2. And that's why he was Einstein, eh?

3. I agree...:)

4. Hey, I am happy!! Very much so. But obviously happiness is sustained because of bouts of pain/anger/sadness/rage/insert other negative feeling here. That's when you realise and value your happiness? No?


Ramya said...

Aashish: sorry...that was sposed e @wanderer, not @walrus!
Been so looong....anyways, wazzup?

Ramya said...

Aashish: sorry...that was sposed e @wanderer, not @walrus!
Been so looong....anyways, wazzup?

Anonymous said...

Hmmm am pretty impressesed ... intelligent ppl aboard here LOL...wanderer : I jus cud have written wat u jus did but that wud take years LOL I am poud We got Ya among US MEN

NYX : Oh btw though I saw the disclaimer ... Men ain't Pigs and if they are then thats how it is , and U got to Live wid it ... (am being funny and True lol )btw how s Life been a while though am not one among ur IIM ' hope Ya do remember me !



The_Wanderer said...

nuthn much, babe...summer internship almost done...was at an ad agency in mumbai...back to college for the last yr of the truly free life...

how u been? howz the work n all?

Ramya said...

@All: Damn!! All my comments are showing twice, arbitly increasing my comment number. And I dont even know how to delete it - I'm THAT technologically challenged.

@da Engima: Hehe, the Wanderer is good to have on your side. You definitely dont want to get on to his wrong side...he uses embarassment techniques to get even with his opponents...:p

Anyways, men ARE pigs, I'm just living with it...:p. Well, it's good to see you here after a long time - so how are you doing? I'm good too...life goes an as usual.

@Anon: Well, you know, this post was inspired to a large extent by you. So no thanks.

And for all that about not changing men, your girlfriend did try changing you for close to 2 years before giving up on you....:p!

Anonymous said...

NYX : Nice to know ur fine and u do rememeber Da eNIGMA Ty.Well, if wanderer does have darker side , I guess I wud take u as my shield :p,u see after all pigs need humans to protect them against the other pigs !LOL and thanks am having fun watching ya guys here and hope ur all fine and doing gr8.

As usual and always Life's ok nothing much happeneing u see, I am yet find a girl who wud like me , knowing that I am a pig (LOL but other than that , work s cool a bit more challenging and that goes well wid me!

and another thing NYX, u haven't visited my blog , no wonder Its been almost six months since I have written and am sad (lol!)

Take Care and Wish U find some one who ain't a PIG !!!

''Men are Pigs and more , the question is why do Women still Love , Live wid and make Love to Pigs ?????''

Have a nice day and don't think much,some facts are unexplainable !

Da Enigma .

Anonymous said...

u know rams, what is wrong with a pig that is handsome, understanding, caring, sensitive, honest, rich, powerful, loyal?? :D


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