Saturday, April 30, 2011

Much Ado about Nothing

It’s been exactly four weeks since we moved to Hyderabad and my social life has gone from busy to incredibly hectic. In the last four weeks I have:
  •  Met up with friends from my college gang thrice
  •  Hung out with S, my best friend from college, about half a dozen times
  •  Hung out with Gundu, my best friend from school, about half a dozen times, and     even met his friends here
  •  Met KK for lunch
  •  Hung out with Mahi, my cousin, quite a bit
  •  Spent three Sundays at Pinni’s place, one of which was spent helping organise a suprise birthday party for Babai’s 50th. Also spent time with cousins and Samee, who came down to Hyderabad for the party.
  •  Saw five movies at the cinema – Ala Modalaindi, Rio, Teen Maar, Dum Maaro Dum and Shor in the City
  •  Shopped lost – spent one day buying formal wear, another buying a desk and a bookshelf and finally a HTC Desire HD for Nike.
  •  Helped the in-laws host a dinner at their place (by help I really mean I made conversation with the guests!). Also attended dinner at Nike’s Maami’s place once.
  •  Went out for dinner alone with Nike twice.

Yes, all this in just four weeks. I also managed to see a couple of movies at home and read two books. Far from being tired, I thrive in the midst of so much social activity. On a day when I come home after meeting friends for coffee, I’m hyperactive. On a day when I come home directly from work, I’m all tired and need to take a short nap before I can bring myself to sit down for dinner and make conversation.

Now I have an equal number of friends, if not more, in Bangalore. But my life wasn’t a whirlwind of so much activity there, and generally, Nike and I spent a lot more time just by ourselves than we did with friends. The key difference here is that almost all my friends in Bangalore are married; in contrast I have only one married friend in Hyderabad. And in terms of ‘hanging out’ unmarried friends are much better than married friends, atleast in my experience (Like I keep telling my married friends, I’m just going to make friends only with younger, unmarried people from now on. The first question I will ask people is “Are you under 25 and unmarried”. If yes to both, only then will I consider the possibility of becoming friends with them. Of course, I’m aware that if everyone decided to use these criteria, I‘d be no one’s friend). 

I'm now ending this completely pointless post (because the rest of my posts were educative, informative and inspiring. Duh) here without even editing it because I want to put it up on the blog before midnight so that it shows that I've written TWO blog posts in April. Score!


subbulakshmistoned said...

i want to visit Hyd! around july-aug maybe.

Anonymous said...

Could not resist staying up on saturday night to post this, perhaps you thwarted Nike's attempt to say Score..:)


Preeti said...

I qualify your requirements for being friends. Will you be my fraand? :D :D
Hyderabad is weird. Period. Maybe because I have so many relatives there, my visit is never about taking time out to see the city, catch a nice movie, etc. It's always running from one relatives lunch, to another's family function.
I am coming down to Hyderabad in May end and will be there for a month! I am already worried.

Ramya said...

@Subbu: Come, come. But come after this horrible summer ma. You would be mad to leave louly Bangalore weather for this insane heat.

@BJ: Haha...that's funny! Though its not exactly a weekend activity, is it?

@Preeti: Hehe...I will be happy to do fraandship with you. To be fair, the city has a lot of historically interesting sights to see, if you're into that kind of thing. Of course, nowhere close to Delhi, but still...
Ayyo! You're coming in peak heat. But then again, you're coming from Delhi so you will be used to this insane, dry heat that makes me feel like I'm in a giant over or something! Lets maybe meet when you're here and if you have the time?

Preeti said...

Yeah! :)
That'll be fun! Since we are all stuck on Blogger and have no access to each other's email ids, drop me a mail at my blog email - ! :)

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