Thursday, November 10, 2005

Thoughts that occurred to me during todays class...

.....classroom time is probably the most common time for schoolboys to fondly and wishfully imagine sexual fantasies

.....if we were allowed to eat and drink during class at IIMB, the number of people sleeping in class will reduce drastically


Anonymous said...

hmm, so u girls think u r pretty fair during ur school days ...... didnt u gals had wet dreams during ur school days????

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

How did u find this out?? and tell me honestly, havent you and I always think about boys during classes?

Anonymous said...

if the abov comment is by male then .............. ur bi....

Anonymous said...

@ anon

I am a female... so no doubt about ramya's orientations :)

Ramya said...

replies to the comments:

anon: You obviously dont know much about sexual awareness levels of schoolgoing girls. Also, please post your name next time.

Sleepysloth: If you read my single sentence carefully, I never even implied, leave alone directly mention, that having sexual fantasies is 'wrong'. I just made an observation - I certainly dont think there is anything wrong about having sexual fantasies and never even implied anything close to that. I also have better things to do than feel sorry for or worry about those people who do not indulge in sexual fantasies. But apparently, there is no shortage of such people!!!

anon: You are apparently not the same person as the earlier anon so I shall subject you to the indignity of being referred to as anon2 but you have only yourself to blame for that (you know what to do now when you post next, right?). Also, I never said I 'found out' what I said, I just said that was a stray thought of mine (assuming you can understand the difference, or is that too much to expect?). Moreover, your highly ungrammatical post makes it difficult for me to believe that you could have been in any class with me. And finally, the other anon, in his next post, suggested that 'you' were bi, not me!! Apart from which, I find your confidence in my orientation highly offensive and even discriminatory!!!

anon: You obviously have no better work to do - you might as well spend a few extra seconds posting your name!

antonio hicks: thank you!!!your website presented to me the phenomenon of being exhaustively uninteresting and singularly useless.

bluesky said...

Drinking was definitely allowed. Selectively, eating too.

Anonymous said...

hehe...reading all the pretty lil things u said abt all the ppl posting on this blog makes me go "Ouchhhhhhhhh"
poor lil devils..just thot they'd have some fun on their day out..but i just lovee the way u killl all of em with such clinical efficency..
way to go girl!!!

Naresh said...

he he... this proves lkg 2 iim-b the classes r always the same, no matter wht da prof teaches, pupil sleep :P

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...rather interesting again!!! I can not but help post another comment and spend another two minutes on it lol!!! hello Blogger... Hi again ... I must thank you for two , I help myself laugh when I read the comments ppl post after reading ur blog, Kudos to both (u and the ppl!) two ...I think I must have missed a lot on ENGLISH, GRAMMER and ofcourse the combination of the twine to build a beautiful statement @school...may be I could learn a bit from the blog!!! Thanks !

Da Eningma

The Whole world makes Way for the MAN who knows Where he is heading !!!

Anonymous said...

that summed up pretty much of what wen thru my mind in my school "daze"...
the usual crush on teacher (female) thing;

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