Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Getting started on reservations

Whenever there is talk of the proposed OBC reservation, most of the people I know sigh and say ‘This country is going to the dogs. We are moving backwards. Only God can save us’. Well, not exactly the same hyper dramatic lines but you get the picture. Then there is the 2nd category of people get passionate and very angry, quote figures and give impressive socio-economic arguments as to why reservations is a stupid idea. (To an extent, I belong to this category).

My crib has always been that we don’t do anything about these things, even if we feel strongly about it. I’m as guilty of this as everybody else. So it is heartening to see the medicos go out and protest so strongly and so fiercely. And we, the selfish B-School graduates, content ourselves with forwarding mails and SMS’ and signing online petitions, and of course, blog about it. Like most of my peers, I’m afraid that’s all I’m doing too.

I just read Karan Thapar’s interview with Arjun Singh and can’t figure out whether I want to laugh or cry. Karan is good at what he does – he does a good amount of background work, he knows what he’s asking about and generally doesn’t let the interviewee get away with bullshitting. He add strength to his questions with facts and figures. And to all of this, Arjun Singh is at his evasive best. All his answers are just variations of the following statements:

I don’t think the figures you are quoting are correct (without providing the correct figures either)
I’m not in a position to reveal that decision at this point of time. It will be announced at the right time.
I’m only a servant of the Parliament. I do only what the Parliament decides on.

And so on and so forth, it’s the same tape running. I am torn between the desire to laugh at somebody who talks so ridiculously and the desire to cry that somebody so blind and ignorant has the power to affect the lives of future generations. It’s just very very sad. Like someone wisely commented ‘If you voted for him, you probably deserved him’.


Anonymous said...

Fortunately or otherwise I have been a vivid viewer of this scenario @ Reservation, for quite a while ... I sometimes feel for the mediocz , 'cos they are now doing something that most of us do NOT have the balls to do ... yeah I mean balls !!! Like u opined people like u and me only sit and talk about it and may be get up the next morn and are selfish enough to go about our own Freaky - Frenzy lives ... sad that some one who can not even judge and understand the value of the picture denies to even say something substantial ... and as far the guys there sitting in the lawns of the AIIMZ ... My heartful salutations ... sometimes I wish I was there ... but hey am only wishing , am not doing ... we are all the same ... we never do we blah blah ... Grrrr ... I have given up on being a reformer a long time ago ...

Da Enigma ...

The world kneels not to a SINGLE man but to a MAN with single minded focus and detrmination !

Perennial Oxymoron said...

probably out of the systwm rgt now i feel the callousness and apathy even more,,, we have njoyed and now r in a good position in our lives but the future generations (and im by no means old)would now have to face population and reservation... we r trying our best from out here but therz so much that can be done

Mihir said...

who talks so ridiculously and the desire to cry that somebody so blind and ignorant has the power to affect the lives of future generations

haha .. nothing of tat sort. Here is a very very intelligent and cunning old man. He knows tht despite all tat we say and do, reservations are going to happen coz the majority of general public in the country is strongly supporting it. (isnt it reflected in the fact that not 1 single MP has spoken against it?).
You and me can shout as much we want, laugh at arjun singh for all we can, still at the end of the day we have to accept it.

Anonymous said...

@mihir: well i guess almost every body has a very strong view abt reservations suppporting both sides of the issue..but majority are those who dont want to air their opinion..like someone said..'dont have the balls' to come out in the open like the medicos are doin rite now..
as far as my personal opinion goes, although i've tasted the fruit of reservation myself, i stronglly feel tht theres only a lot to lose outta this n nothing to gain at all.. for the first time ever in my life..i actually feel like joining the protest...i might actually go ahead n do it..some movement happening in my city.

Mihir said...

@anony: i owuld hve liked i u would have put a name and not put ur comment under anony. I agree fully with your statement that majority are those who dont want to voice their opinions. Some of them might be "lacking in balls", but there are some of them who feel there is really no point raising the opinion in e-fora and sending chain mails and forwards and creating communities on orkuts and blah blah blah becoz they have basically given up on our political system. you can label them escapist and wat not, but in my view they r just taking a practical stand here. It is always better to choose your battles where you think you can win and leave the battlefield when u think that the situation is hopeless.

Ramya said...

@Manoj: I don't think that's being cynical. It's true that most of us are moved into doing something only if it affects us personally - and that is the way it should be too. It's self-interets that brings efficiency. Now you might know that reservations might be introduced in the private sector too. All in all,it's going to affect the IIT's and IIM's. but still...

@Mihir: Yeah, it's a choice. there are some who choose only the battles they can win. There are some who will fight losing battles for a cause. Sadly, we have more of the former than the latter. It's probably a practical person vs. idealist kind of situation.

Vimal said...

incidentally, though we (the people of India) did vote for the UPA government, not many voted for Arjun Singh. He won his last Lok Sabha election in 1992.. lost 3 consecutive Lok Sabha elections in 1996, 98 & 99 and since then has chosen to sit in Rajya Sabha.. the old man just wants to leave a legacy and hopefully have one last stab at the PM's chair. of course, doesn't know & doesn't care about little things like stats which speak strongly against his move..

Anonymous said...

Guess, after a tiring days work nothing like coming across ur blog!:) The last time i posted a comment and since then, i honestly was wanting to read what u were upto!
yep reservations!! quite insane aint it.. i must admit my understanding of the issue is limited! but i seriously believe that there is no place for mediocrity in the society!!.. Decided to read a book written by Arun Shourie on Reservations and realised it was a mere documentary how the constituion was abused by the present polity to achieve their personal agenda! Anyways.. random thoughts i guess.

Btw we have 2 things in common... Hyderbad/AP & B school MBA - FMS 2004.....

Keep posting.. Few can communicate the way u do.... and take time out of ur busy consulting schedule.... its worth it atleast for people who read ur posts :):)

Ramya said...

@Vimal: Sometimes I just give up on the 'system'.

@Pradeep: Welcome to the blog! I've been thinking of reading Arun Shourie's book too...but have been too busy with my usual staple of fiction...:-)
And yes, I should try to blog more frequently but am just too lazy

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