Today is one of my dearest pals' birthday. Sunil U. U Sunil. Friend. The guided. Schoolmate for 12 years. Friend for enough years. Partner. Listening board. Shravs' 'Sunta'. The initital U before his surname was the cause of much ribbing in school.
Tall. Shy. Fair. Brown eyes and Pink lips. Vain. Selfish. Charming.
He had a way with parents. My parents thought he was a very nice guy...sweet and shy and extremely well mannered. If only they knew. He had two sides to him. One he never showed to those who didnt know him. He prided himself on thinking that no one really knew him well. But he was easy to read. Or maybe not...
He thought he was good looking. Unfortunately, so did a lot of others. And worse, a lot of these others were 'girls'. To him looks were important...he wouldnt spend too much time in the sun for fear of a tan. He didnt do a lot of 'boy stuff' in order to protect his complexion. Him of the blackhead remover nose. And so, conciously or unconciously, he associated mostly with good looking people.
Memories...of his wonderment at me being crazy about a guy who he felt wasnt good looking by any stretch of imagination. He stopped chatting with a net pal because she sent her pic and he felt she was goodlooking...anger. And now 'As far as I am concerned, she looks good to me. And looks arent the only thing that matter'. I dont react. But maybe my voice over the phone is now warmer. Prouder. Happier.
A 3 year strain on our friendship. On his friendship with Gundu. And on my freindship with Gundu. Long months of no communication. And then, a sudden, never ending phone call. An effot to keep in touch...unusual and unexpected of him. And then a message during L^2. I run away from the noise and call him...I want an explanation for the message, the reason behind it. And then, everything is right with the world once more.
Addicted to the phone. Has been hopelessly in love with over a dozen girls since the first standard! Maths stud. English dud. He would shout out the answers to problems in Circles even before Niranjan Sir fully completed his question. Pathetic marks in Commerce in both years.
Miser of the millenium. My debtor. Sometimes a sweetheart. A role which does not suit him. My 16th birthday. He gives me a big pack of chocolates...comes to my place, which is teeming with girls. And gathers the courage to give the gift to me in front of them. Then he bends and whispers 'Please dont open it in front of them or we'll never hear the end of it' . Charlie and cookies a year later. A card and letter when I was in fave so far.
I remind him of the birthday of every common friend. So he never bothers to remember. Except mine. Him a week older. Long time planner. Teetotaller. The man who threw up during his first XXX movie. Keeper of my darkest I am of his. Future husband...if no one else wants to me marry me. Teacher. The much advised.
Brave warrior...he is reading fat books these days. The outsider in a bunch of boys. Sunny owner. Now he can drive a bike...or so he thinks. The lil kid who was scard of being left alone by his friends on the hill. The mean kid who made his servant say he wasnt in when Gundu, a future best friend, walks a long way to play with him.
Pluto house captain. Useless runner. Practical. Sensible. Confused.
Hey Sunil...this one is for you. Happy Birthday!!